Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My advertising alter ego.

As a communication major, I had a little bit of exposure to advertising (the business side of it that is) throughout my college career.  I was always somewhat interested in the theory behind it.  Just the idea that some combination of pictures and words could effectively persuade someone to do something--buy something--has always fascinated me.  As much as I try to fast forward or channel surf during commercials on tv (or make fun of the ads that I do see), I actually love advertisements.  I hate what a nusence they are, though.  They interrupt all the best scenes of my favorite shows, or force me to wait an extra few minutes before my NEXT favorite show begins.  So annoying.  But if I look at ads on my own time (which I do pretty regularly), I absolutely adore them.  The time and effort that went into making that 30-second commercial is unbelievable.  Seriously.  And the fact that advertising works, well that's a story for another day.

Although I always loved ads, I never really appreciated the work that went into creating them until I discovered my favorite television show: Mad Men.  It's all about the advertising industry in the 60s', and it. is. awesome.  The guys of Madison Avenue spent their days drinking whiskey, shmoozing clients over expensive dinners, and making passes at their attractive, (sometimes) innocent secretaries.  Some of them actually work too--sometimes.  If you haven't seen Mad Men, well nevermind.  Watch Madmen, then we'll talk.

Don Draper, the main character, is a James Bond meets Brad Pitt meets Edward Norton kind of guy.  Aside from being incredibly attractive, Draper is extremely charismatic, but mysterious at the same time.  Ladies, you can't tell me this Lucky Strike smoking alpha male doesn't turn you on.

Don Draper, Mad Men

As much as I love Don Draper (I know it's physically impossible for me to become an alpha male over night), I love his secretary-turned-copywriter Peggy Olson even more.  She's confident, hardworking, creative, and she knows what she wants. Peggy's not a sex kitten like the other females in the show, and that's what I like about her.  I guess you could say she's the "feminist" on the show.  If I could be anyone in this fantasy advertising world, it'd be Peggy.  

Peggy Olson, my advertising alter ego

Trust me, I know the advertising industry isn't like they show it on tv.  But I really wish it was.  And it's nice to pretend that my future job will allow me to drink whiskey and nap on a couch all day.  I just wanted to give you guys a little more background about me and why I'm so interested in advertising.  And Mad Men is just the beginning.  Stay tuned this week for my favorite advertising campaigns ever.  While you're waiting, watch Mad Men.  And talk to me about it.  Please.  :) http://www.amctv.com/shows/mad-men

1 comment:

  1. I think the ads and such you're posting are great for attracting viewers like most ads aim to do.
