Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sex: the anti-ad.

We've already established that sex sells.  But who would think that making fun of sex would sell?  These attractive women are made fun of in this ad to assure average consumers they won't be patronized at Planet Fitness gyms.  The commercials (and the gym's policies) have caused a lot of controversy.  But I think the ad is great--it's a modern-day anti-advertisement.  If i were to go to a gym--which I probably never will--Planet Fitness would be the one.  I think we all get an earful of egotistical women in public restrooms, dressing rooms, and...well, pretty much everywhere.  I don't want to hear it while I'm trying to improve my appearance.  But one thing...what's a lunk?  Either way, I'm sure I don't want to be around one of those either.

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