Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Volkswagen Freak.

I know I've already established myself as a Volkswagen advertisement freak.  But since I'm doing my senior project on VW ads, I look at them constantly.  I forgot to show you their newest ad.  I'm not 100% into it.  I like the concept of making Mondays cool again, but only Allstate can pull off a voiceover like this.  I do, however, really like the 'teaser' for the commercial.  I think it's better than the commercial itself.  Let me know what you guys think.


Actual ad.  Premiered during the Super Bowl.

1 comment:

  1. Here's an idea for an ad...
    When your car has seen 3 different popes, you know you have a Volkswagon.

    My mom just bought a new Volkswagon in October. She calls it her "swagon." I roll my eyes.

    And why the hell are those old bugs so valuable? They go up on craiglist for thousands without even having to run.
